Every year more than 12 million hectares of rainforest get destroyed. Many countries/industry’ burn millions of square meters of rainforest in order to get more space for slash and burn agriculture. This project has the goal to drastically reduce the expansion of agriculture and human interference in the rainforest. My partner and I want to achieve this by establishing sustainable and long-term agriculture in the already burned down spaces.
Currently there are many problems why long-term agriculture is not possible. By burning down the vegetation the ecosystem gets disrupted and the earth gets subjected to high sun intensity, monsoons and reduction of air humidity. All this leads to an infertile and unusable earth.
Our tower will solve these problems by giving the vulnerable earth a new protective skin. The building consists out of a central tower build form recycled containers as well as a translucent membrane. The membrane wraps the tower and ends in a huge oval and concave “roof”, protecting the earth below from monsoon and re-establishing the humid climate. While small amounts of water can get through the membrane, most of the rain will flow towards the tower, where it is channelled and released into a river.